Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Ooh!!! I'm shopping and I'm at home!!!

Yes! I'm talking about online shopping! After a year, now this shopping hobby is re-surfacing!

It's so damn easy. Just browse the websites, i.e. VS, OPI, Drugstore, etc. Then click to order. Next is typing my CC number. Click again. There I go! Wait for purchases being shipped back to my address. Well, that's nothing new and it's not happening! As a shopaholic, I want discount and want to save shipping cost which I have to order a big amount of goods in order to get. Hmm, what should I do?

I join spree! And together with me, Tracy joins as well. Since yesterday, we have ordered from OPI and VS, spent nearly $100. And we felt so happy. Because we think we will have to buy OPI sooner or later and if we buy at the shop in Vietnam, we have to pay double the price we get to pay online. For VS stuff, I have to say, we could buy its products just for no reason. I'm a VS girl through and through.

Spent $100 but we've got some discount which would only apply if we ordered $150 - 250. That's the beauty of this spree thingy. Also, because we share with other people, the shipping cost is lower which helps us to feel less guilty! But the spreeing speed is so fast! It's open in the morning and the next thing I know, it's close at night as people all queue up for order and payment! Spree for VS is usually capped at 250USD and no matter how many sprees are open, they are closed as quickly. Scary and exciting at the same time! I'd missed 4 batches before I managed to place mine this afternoon!

Now it's waiting time!!!

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"Wish you can forgive your yesterdays. Wish you can love your tomorrows"