Tuesday, July 07, 2009

RIP Michael Jackson

It is now 2AM on 8 Jul 09 in Singapore and I am still awake watching Michael Jackson memorial live on CNN.

I have only one person who I can truly say I am his fan, and it is Michael Jackson. My childhood spent on listening to his songs and watching his video clips. I still remember I had 2 or 3 video tapes which included most of his hits and I kept watching them until the tapes turned bad. I remember seeing his skin black became white but I didn't really care. Even when I read those news about him being accused as a child molester, I didn't believe all those groundless accusation. My heart pained when I saw him getting deteriorated over the time. I knew myself that he would not be able to live for very long, but still when I heard him passed away on that Friday (Singapore time), my heart stopped for a moment and I just blocked the news out. But my job requires me to accept it and let his other fans know this sad news.

For those who are watching his memorial, we 'come together' and we 'remember the time' he had been with us and gifted us with his enormous talent, his joys and his sorrows.

RIP, My King of Pop

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"Wish you can forgive your yesterdays. Wish you can love your tomorrows"