Thursday, June 16, 2011

Singapore shopping - Second pair of shoes for 2011

Chloé Nubuck & Chain Flower Ballerina Flats

It is my first pair of Chloé shoes. And yes, it is another pair of flats. Out of all shoe types, flats is the one I wear almost daily. Be it weekday or weekend, it is my first choice of shoes. Unless I have a specific outfit in mind, which I usually need to go with a certain shoe type. I know it sounds boring but after spraining my ankles twice (once each side), I might have developed a phobia of wearing high heels. So until I feel my ankles are 100% back to normal, I guess I will continue to wear and buy flats.

Anyway, this pair of shoes wasn't my first choice. I wanted to get YSL 'love' flats, which was in an amazing color. And it was on sale as well. However, the sizing was a little off, plus the fact that the shoes didn't look that well-made (at least compared with my own YSL purple flats which I bought about 2 years ago). So I decided not buying it. Then... I wandered off to Chloé and tried on their shoes. Wow, "soft" was my first thought when putting on theirs. Sad to say this but YSL needs to increase their QC standard before it drops further. Back to Chloé shoes, they fitted me perfectly. I had half a mind to buy on the spot, even though there wasn't any sale at that moment. But... there is always a "but". My size was sold out for the design that I like. Damn...

Luckily, I have another way to get I want, without flying to Paris. Namely online shops. Coincidentally, one of the websites is giving out a 30% off for SS11 collection. So why should I wait for the sale? And a few days later, I received my lovely shoes.

Chloé Nubuck & Chain Flower Ballerina Flats

At the moment, the shoes are at the shoe repair services shop to have their sole prepped. I've learnt my lesson with my old Lanvin flats. Now I just need to see how it's done and if it is what I think it is, I will have my black Lanvin flats prepped as well. Yep, expensive shoes definitely needs more care than your average run-off-the-mill shoes. But the reward is when you wear them and they change your outfits as well as posture entirely.

Updates on 21 Jun 2011:
I really regretted having it re-soled and re-heeled. A disaster. Shoe repair services in Singapore suck big time. This is my second time having problems with my shoes after sending them to the shops. Let's see how long I will put up with this pair before chucking it into the bin. For 424 (400 + 24) bucks, I guess I have to wear it at least 100 times. For every other day, this means around 6 months. It means until next year. Well, I can do this. But first, I need a spare nail file.

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"Wish you can forgive your yesterdays. Wish you can love your tomorrows"